Jesse est un passionné de sport depuis toujours, passionné par la découverte des faits. Ses écrits ont été reconnus et publiés par Sports Illustrated.
La NBA existe depuis 1946. À cette époque, nous avons vu certains des plus grands athlètes de tous les temps s'affronter sur le terrain. Il y a eu différents styles de jeu qui ont traversé plusieurs époques différentes. Aujourd'hui, les tireurs dominent le sport, mais ce n'est qu'il y a quelques décennies que la position centrale dirigeait le jeu. Nous avons vu une domination défensive, des tireurs d'élite tirant derrière la ligne des trois points, des slashers astucieux et des athlètes divins polyvalents. Avec toutes ces compétences variées, ces différences de style de jeu et ces niveaux d'athlétisme, de compétence et d'entraînement, il est difficile de déterminer qui est le meilleur joueur de tous les temps. Des arguments peuvent être avancés pour des joueurs comme Michael Jordan, LeBron James, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar et Bill Russell. Tous pourraient être considérés comme excellents pour différentes raisons. Lorsque nous examinons l'image dans son ensemble, nous devons examiner les statistiques, les distinctions, ce que l'époque a donné à l'époque et les forces et les faiblesses de chaque joueur afin de déterminer qui était vraiment le plus grand. Cet article couvrira mes 10 meilleurs joueurs qui, selon moi, sont les meilleurs à avoir jamais joué.
Kobe "The Black Mamba" Bryant a défini les années 2000. Il a été repêché directement à la sortie du lycée lors du repêchage de la NBA en 1996 par les Charlotte Hornets avec le 13e choix au total. Les Lakers de Los Angeles avaient conclu un accord la veille pour obtenir le choix des Hornets, leur permettant de prendre Bryant. Son contrat de recrue avec les Lakers était de 3,5 millions de dollars.
Il était un grand buteur de tous les temps avec un instinct de tueur qui faisait peur à ses adversaires. Bryant a gagné son surnom pour être aussi meurtrier sur le terrain que le mamba noir venimeux. Il a joué dans la NBA pendant 20 ans, remportant 5 championnats en cours de route, dont 3 d'affilée. À ce jour, Bryant reste l'un des tireurs les plus froids de tous les temps, réalisant 17 tirs gagnants dans sa carrière et 7 autres tirs égalisateurs qui ont mené à des victoires en prolongation.
Kobe Bryant était connu pour son incroyable athlétisme et ses coups d'embrayage. Vous pouvez trouver des bandes de surbrillance de dunks vicieux et de gagnants de jeux sans qu'il reste de temps sur l'horloge. Ce qui ne peut pas être vu sur une bobine de surbrillance, c'est la concentration laser et la force mentale qu'il possédait. Kobe connaissait bien et parlait couramment de nombreuses langues, dont l'anglais, l'espagnol et l'italien. Kobe est connu pour avoir appris le français afin de pouvoir bavarder avec Tony Parker. Il a également chahuté Luka Doncic depuis la ligne de touche dans sa langue maternelle, le slovène. L'esprit de Bryant était aussi dangereux que ses compétences physiques dans n'importe quel jeu donné au cours de sa carrière.
Kobe Bryant est décédé tragiquement aux côtés de sa fille Gianna le 26 janvier 2020, dans un accident d'hélicoptère. Son souvenir vivra à jamais dans nos cœurs. Le monde n'oubliera jamais le Mamba. Voici un podcast qui revient sur la vie de Bryant.
Points | FG % | 3pt FG % | Aide | Rebonds | Vole | Blocs | |
Carrière | |||||||
Playoffs | |||||||
Finales |
Hakeem "The Dream" Olajuwon est l'un des plus grands joueurs défensifs de l'histoire de la NBA. Il est né à Lagos, au Nigeria, où il a commencé sa carrière de basket-ball avant de se rendre aux États-Unis pour jouer pour l'Université de Houston. Bien qu'il n'ait jamais joué au basket avant l'âge de 15 ans, il a dominé partout où il a joué. Pendant son séjour à l'université, il a emmené les Cougars de Houston à trois apparitions dans le Final Four du tournoi national de la division 1 de la NCAA. En 1984, les Houston Rockets ont sélectionné Olajuwon avec le premier choix au classement général, le sélectionnant au-dessus d'autres grands comme Michael Jordan, John Stockton et Charles Barkley.
Olajuwon est devenu l'une des forces les plus puissantes de la NBA. Il était un rebondeur incroyable qui était inégalé en matière de défense. Olajuwon a mené la ligue aux rebonds à deux reprises et a mené trois fois aux tirs bloqués. En fait, il mène toujours la liste de tous les temps pour les tirs bloqués en NBA de plus de 500 blocs, avec un total de 3 830. Cet exploit incroyable lui a valu d'être élu joueur défensif de l'année à deux reprises.
Olajuwon n'était pas seulement une force défensive, il était également excellent du côté offensif. Il a récolté en moyenne 21,1 points par match pour sa carrière. Il a remporté deux championnats NBA au cours de sa carrière et a été le MVP des finales pour les deux séries. Il y a de grandes spéculations quant à savoir s'il aurait remporté ces bagues si Michael Jordan n'avait pas pris sa retraite, mais il y a aussi des rumeurs selon lesquelles Jordan a pris sa retraite afin d'éviter à Olajuwon de garder son record de finale parfait. Quoi qu'il en soit, Olajuwon était l'un des plus grands défenseurs et des grands hommes de l'histoire de la ligue. Il est le seul joueur de l'histoire de la NBA à avoir remporté les titres de joueur par excellence de la ligue, de joueur défensif de l'année et de joueur par excellence de la finale au cours de la même saison.
Au cours des trois matchs énumérés ci-dessus, Olajuwon a dominé trois des plus grands centres à avoir jamais joué au basket. En fait, dans les 17 matchs au total décrits ci-dessus, Olajuwon n'a pas été surclassé par Ewing, Robinson ou Shaq une seule fois. C'était le sommet de l'excellence dans sa carrière et nous n'avons rien vu de tel depuis.
Points | FG % | Aide | Rebonds | Vole | Blocs | |
Carrière | ||||||
Playoffs | ||||||
Finales |
Bill Russell a actuellement le plus de championnats de l'histoire de la NBA avec 11. En fait, il n'a réussi à remporter un championnat que lors de 2 de ses 13 saisons en NBA. Russell a également gagné à d'autres niveaux, remportant le championnat NCAA à deux reprises en 1955 et 1956. Il a également remporté une médaille d'or pour les États-Unis aux Jeux olympiques d'été de 1956. Russell est surtout connu pour ses bagues, mais il devrait être connu comme l'un des plus grands rebondeurs et défenseurs de l'histoire de la NBA.
Alors que Russell n'était pas l'objectif principal de la dynastie Celtics, il était encore plus qu'influent à d'autres égards. Russell a rebondi mieux que quiconque, menant la ligue en rebonds 5 fois et en moyenne plus de 20 rebonds par match 10 fois au cours de ses 13 ans de carrière. Russell est l'un des sept joueurs à avoir remporté un championnat NCAA, un championnat NBA et une médaille d'or olympique.
Russell a également contribué à combler le fossé de la barrière de la couleur aux États-Unis. Bien qu'il n'ait pas été le premier joueur noir à jouer au basket, il a été le premier à devenir un joueur superstar. Il a également été joueur-entraîneur des Celtics vers la fin de sa carrière, faisant de lui le premier entraîneur noir de la NBA et le premier entraîneur noir à remporter un championnat.
Bien que la NBA n'ait pas enregistré de blocs comme statistique avant les années 70, on pense que Russell est l'un des plus grands, sinon le le meilleur bloqueur de tir de tous les temps. Il existe divers articles de journaux qui rapportent que Russell a bloqué jusqu'à 17 tirs en un seul match, gagnant souvent des triples-doubles au moyen de points, de rebonds et de blocages ! On ne sait pas exactement combien de tirs Russell a bloqués au cours de sa carrière, mais il est prudent de dire qu'il a bloqué au moins six tirs par match, et c'est dans la partie inférieure du spectre. En fait, avec un point culminant de fans qui ont indépendamment cherché la réponse, une liste non officielle affirme que Russell a en moyenne 8,1 blocs par match au cours de sa carrière.
Points | FG % | Aide | Rebonds | Vole | Blocs | |
Carrière | ||||||
Playoffs | ||||||
Finales |
Tim "The Big Fundamental" Duncan est le plus grand attaquant de puissance à avoir jamais joué dans l'histoire de la NBA. Il a été sélectionné premier au classement général par les San Antonio Spurs en 1997 et jouera toute sa carrière de 19 ans avec les Spurs. Duncan n'était pas un joueur flashy mais il était incroyablement efficace à la fois offensivement et défensivement. Avec les conseils de l'entraîneur Gregg Popovich, Duncan a pu être à la tête d'une dynastie qui a duré près de deux décennies. Au cours de sa carrière, il a remporté cinq championnats contre des joueurs d'élite tels que LeBron James à deux reprises, Ben Wallace, Jason Kidd et d'autres.
Duncan était connu pour son efficacité, mais ses qualités défensives font de lui un joueur remarquable. À ce jour, il est classé troisième de tous les temps pour l'efficacité défensive de la NBA. Même s'il n'a jamais remporté le prix du joueur défensif de l'année, il a été 15 fois sélection All-Defensive et 2 fois MVP. Duncan était capable de jouer une forme solide et fondamentale de basket-ball. Il a fait les bonnes passes et joue pour gagner des matchs avec des joueurs comme Tony Parker et Manu Ginobili, qui seraient relativement inconnus sans le succès qu'ils ont eu sous la direction de Duncan.
Duncan n'est en aucun cas un joueur flashy, c'est pourquoi je pense qu'il tombe dans de nombreuses listes de tous les temps. Il n'a jamais été question d'argent ou de bijoux, il s'agissait simplement de gagner. Duncan peut encore être trouvé portant ses chemises en flanelle et ses jeans mal ajustés même après sa retraite. Bien qu'il n'ait pas de vente de chaussures folles ou un million de publicités, on ne peut pas affirmer que Duncan est l'un des plus grands joueurs à avoir jamais foulé un terrain.
Points | FG % | Aide | Rebonds | Vole | Blocs | |
Carrière | ||||||
Playoffs | ||||||
Finales |
Earvin "Magic" Johnson Jr. était l'un des piliers de la NBA dans les années 80. Il a été repêché premier au classement général par les Lakers de Los Angeles lors du repêchage de 1979. La même année où il a été repêché, Magic a remporté le prix de la recrue de l'année et a remporté le championnat NBA. Il était également le MVP de la finale cette année-là. En tant que meneur de jeu, c'était son travail de diriger l'attaque, et il l'a fait à la perfection puisqu'il a mené la ligue en passes décisives quatre fois au cours de sa carrière.
Magic a commencé sa carrière gagnante à l'université lorsqu'il a emmené les Spartans de l'État du Michigan au championnat NCAA pour affronter, pour la première fois, son rival de carrière Larry Bird. Magic a réussi à vaincre Bird, remportant le titre de joueur le plus remarquable du Final Four. Leur rivalité se poursuivra dans la NBA, où Magic et Bird se sont affrontés trois fois en finale. Magic et les Lakers se sont imposés deux fois.
Magic et les Lakers faisaient partie de la plus grande dynastie que les Lakers aient jamais eue. Ils sont devenus connus sous le nom de "Showtime Lakers" en raison de leur style d'attaque rapide, de course et d'arme à feu. Grâce aux capacités de passe de Magic et aux talents de buteur de Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, les Lakers et Magic ont pu remporter cinq anneaux tout en participant neuf fois à la finale.
La carrière de Magic a été absolument exceptionnelle. Même s'il a remporté cinq championnats au cours de sa carrière, il aurait pu en gagner encore plus sans sa santé. Magic a dû prendre brusquement sa retraite en 1991 lorsqu'il a annoncé au monde qu'il avait contracté le VIH. Il n'a plus joué pendant quatre ans jusqu'à ce qu'il revienne pour une brève séquence de 32 matchs avant de prendre sa retraite définitive en 1996. Au cours des 13 années de carrière de Magic, il a disputé neuf finales et en a remporté cinq.
Points | FG % | Aide | Rebonds | Vole | Blocs | |
Carrière | ||||||
Playoffs | ||||||
Finales |
Il n'y a rien de plus difficile que de décider qui est le meilleur entre Larry Bird et Magic Johnson. Les deux ont la plus grande rivalité de l'histoire du basket-ball, et peut-être de tous les sports.
Bird a été repêché sixième au classement général par les Celtics de Boston lors du repêchage de la NBA en 1978. Il a commencé comme petit attaquant et attaquant de puissance pour les Celtics pendant toute sa carrière de 13 ans. Bird excellait dans tous les aspects du jeu, en particulier au tir, mais il était également fort défensivement et dans son jeu de passes. Bird a été le premier joueur de l'histoire de la NBA à tirer 50% sur des buts sur le terrain, 40% sur des tirs à trois points et 90% sur des lancers francs en une saison. Il l'a fait deux fois dans sa carrière. Il a également remporté trois concours de tir à trois points consécutifs. Il s'entraînait même à tirer à trois points les yeux fermés.
Le métier et la pratique de Bird étaient une chose qui a conduit à sa perfection et à sa domination. Bird dribblerait sur tout le terrain des Celtics, celui qui a son bois de chêne du Tennessee d'origine toujours en place à ce jour, pour trouver la différence dans chaque planche. On savait que l'ancien sol avait des "points morts" où la balle ne rebondirait pas aussi haut; Bird a appris l'emplacement de chacun d'eux. Il défendait les joueurs en direction de ces zones et utilisait les spots pour l'aider à voler le ballon. Ceci, entre autres, est l'un des exemples de pratiques étonnantes qui ont donné à Bird le surnom de "Larry Legend".
Bird a dirigé une grande dynastie pour les Celtics, remportant trois anneaux et trois MVP consécutifs au cours de sa carrière. Bird est l'un des trois joueurs à avoir remporté le prix trois années de suite. C'était un grand joueur de base qui pouvait marquer avec les meilleurs d'entre eux et défendre tous ceux qui se présentaient à lui. Sa carrière est remplie de choses que peu ont accomplies, comme remporter trois MVP consécutifs, tirer des pourcentages de buts sur le terrain inégalés et balayer Michael Jordan deux fois en séries éliminatoires. C'était un tueur sur le terrain et il restera à jamais connu comme l'un des plus grands joueurs de tous les temps.
Points | FG % | 3pt FG % | Aide | Rebonds | Vole | Blocs | |
Carrière | |||||||
Playoffs | |||||||
Finales |
Bird et Magic étant si proches au classement, j'ai pensé qu'il serait bien de mettre une brève comparaison de leurs carrières côte à côte et de regarder leurs affrontements en tête-à-tête. Au cours de leur carrière, les deux rivaux se sont affrontés 18 fois en saison régulière et 19 fois en séries éliminatoires. Le record final de la saison régulière était de 11–7 en faveur de Magic Johnson, et le record final des séries éliminatoires était également de 11–8 en faveur de Magic. Magic a également un dossier de 2-1 contre Bird dans les séries finales en tête-à-tête. Vous trouverez ci-dessous comment les deux se sont comparés statistiquement dans leurs confrontations.
Points | FG % | 3pt FG % | Aide | Rebonds | Vole | Blocs | |
Saison régulière des oiseaux | |||||||
Saison régulière magique | |||||||
| |||||||
Bird Post Season | |||||||
Post-saison magique |
Shaquille "Shaq" O'Neal est le joueur le plus dominant de l'histoire de la NBA. Il a joué au centre des Orlando Magic, des Los Angeles Lakers, des Miami Heat, des Phoenix Suns, des Cleveland Cavaliers et des Boston Celtics. Shaq était également connu sous le nom de "Diesel" en raison du fait qu'il était un gros homme. Il mesurait 7'1 "et pesait environ 325 livres. Malgré la taille et la puissance énormes de Shaq, il était bien plus qu'une force imparable en raison de sa taille. Shaq était incroyablement athlétique, maniait bien le ballon et était capable de trouver son chemin dans et hors des couloirs pour marquer et attraper des rebonds. Il a joué Michael Jordan en tête-à-tête et a traversé Jordan en se dirigeant vers le panier.
Shaq a dominé le terrain à la fois offensivement et défensivement. Au cours de sa carrière, il a marqué 28 596 points; cela lui donne actuellement le 8e record de tous les temps pour les points en carrière. Il a également attrapé 13 099 rebonds, ce qui le place 15e pour le record de tous les temps. Défensivement, il a également bloqué 2 732 tirs, le plaçant également au 8e rang de tous les temps dans cette catégorie. Ainsi, non seulement Shaq pourrait marquer, mais il pourrait également rebondir et défendre avec les meilleurs.
Shaq s'est également créé une belle carrière en dehors du basket-ball. Il est rare de trouver une personne qui ne sait pas qui il est, même s'il ne l'a pas vu jouer. Il a été acteur, porte-parole, rappeur et plus encore. Son impact sur le jeu et la culture pop est inégalé, et son jeu est souvent oublié ou rejeté comme "génial en raison de sa taille". Le fait demeure que Shaq était le GOAT absolu à son poste et son jeu exemplaire est la raison pour laquelle il est quadruple champion et MVP. C'est aussi pourquoi il est l'un des plus grands à avoir jamais joué au jeu.
Points | FG% | Assists | Rebounds | Steals | Blocks | |
Career | ||||||
Playoffs | ||||||
Finals |
At the age of 24, the NBA icon that was born Ferdinand Lewis Alcindor Jr. converted to Islam and took the name Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, meaning "noble one, servant of the Almighty." Kareem was a dominant basketball player from the time he stepped on a court. In high school, Kareem won 71 consecutive games. After joining UCLA, he went on to win three consecutive NCAA championships, earning the Tournament MVP all three years, a record that still holds today. He was drafted first overall by the Milwaukee Bucks in 1969. He played in Milwaukee for six seasons before finishing his career with the Los Angeles Lakers.
Kareem became one of the league's most prolific scorers and all-around players. He used his signature "skyhook" shot, an unblockable swing lob, to dominate his opponents. During his career, Kareem took his team to the Finals 10 times, winning 6 championships. He also won six MVP awards, a record that still stands. At Kareem retired at the age of 42, he held the record for most points scored, most rebounds, most blocks, most games played, and most wins.
Kareem was a focal point of the greatest Lakers dynasty in the franchise's history. He led the team, later known as "The Showtime Lakers," in a fast-paced offense that left teams in the dust. The team capitalized in the fast-break, quickly moving up and down the court and scoring quickly. Despite his offensive effectiveness, he was also an incredible defender, earning an All-Defensive selection 11 times.
More importantly than the game of basketball, Kareem was also an advocate who stood for what he believed in. He protested multiple times to stand up for what was right. In 1968, he boycotted the Olympics to protest the way African-Americans were treated in the United States. When Muhammad Ali refused to fight in the Vietnam War, Kareem traveled to join other outspoken black athletes like Jim Brown to support his decision. Kareem's activism is still seen as a strong area of influence, with young athletes like Colin Kaepernick continuing to fight for their beliefs through the platform sports creates. Without Kareem, this may never have been able to happen today.
Points | FG% | Assists | Rebounds | Steals | Blocks | |
Career | ||||||
Playoffs | ||||||
Finals |
I know what you're thinking, Michael Jordan at #2 is blasphemy. His "Airness" brought the game of basketball back to life when its ratings were at their lowest point. He was marketed better than anyone, putting the Jordan brand on a pedestal that has yet to be reached. Jordan is synonymous with basketball. When people think of the sport, they typically think of Jordan. However, he still sits at second place for me.
Jordan is the greatest scorer in the history of the game. He wasn't born with the power of Shaq or the size of Kareem, and yet he could not be stopped by any player on the court. He won the league's scoring title 10 times during his career, and this piled on the wins. Jordan won more than anyone. He set a record for wins in a season with the Bulls in 1996 when he led the team to 72 victories and a championship, a feat that wasn't broken for 20 years. He also has two separate threepeat championship runs, and a perfect 6–0 Finals record.
Jordan was offensively godlike and was also a great defender. Jordan led the league in steals three times and was an all-defensive selection nine times! He also led the postseason in steals twice and led the postseason in scoring 10 times. Jordan was an unstoppable force throughout his time in the league, even with two separate retirements during his career.
Michael Jordan was a visionary who took his dominant play on the court and created an empire with it. He's the greatest scorer the game has ever seen; his unblemished Finals record is something that many people claim make him the greatest. He completely owned the '90s, he created a shoe empire that made him a billionaire, and he made of the greatest kids movies of all time. Jordan is absolutely one of the greatest to ever do it.
Points | FG% | Assists | Rebounds | Steals | Blocks | |
Career | ||||||
Playoffs | ||||||
Finals |
LeBron James is the greatest player of all time. He has dominated the NBA since he came into the league at the young age of 18, fresh out of high school. When James came into the league, he was looked at as "The Chosen One" who would take the mantle of greatest from Jordan, and he did. LeBron has done things that no other player before him has been able to do. He carried a decrepit 2007 Cleveland Cavaliers team to the Finals all on his own. He's defeated not one but two of the league's greatest dynasties for championships in the San Antonio Spurs and Golden State Warriors. He also brought a championship to Cleveland after a 52-year championship drought.
Not only has James accomplished great things, but he also plays at a higher level and a more well-rounded level than anyone in history. James can do it all. He can score on any given night, he can rebound the ball, and he is the greatest passing forward in league history. He currently is the only player in league history that sits in the top 10 for points scored and assists. He also sits in the top 50 all-time in rebounds. He's the only player ever to record over 34,000 points. 9,000 assists, and 9,000 rebounds.
James recently finished playing in his 17th season, and yet he still is arguably the best player in the league and is unarguably a top-five player. He has dominated in his youth, his prime, and now in his later years. When the game is on the line, even if he doesn't win, he is going to be the best player on the court.
Outside of basketball, James also impacts the world in a positive manner. He created a school in his hometown of Akron, Ohio, that is specifically made for students who come from poor and/or broken homes. He's guaranteed each of the students a full-ride scholarship if they graduate through his school, ensuring 2,300 kids will get a college education when they may not have previously had the chance. He has advocated for African-Americans against police brutality and has spoken publicly against discrimination throughout America. He's an advocate for positive change and an improved culture. All of these things, combined with his many accolades, make him the greatest basketball player in the history of the game.
Points | FG% | 3pt FG% | Assists | Rebounds | Steals | Blocks | |
Career | |||||||
Playoffs | |||||||
Finals |
Jesse Unk (author) from Ohio on September 23, 2020:
I appreciate it!
Rach on September 23, 2020:
This is a great list man. I really like LeBron at 1, and Shaq over Hakeem. I would have Wilt at 10, and Magic over Larry, and Tim a bit higher but regardless, it is still an awesome list.
rockey on September 17, 2020:
I dont hate lebron but I would give it to KAWHI leonard
Mark on September 16, 2020:
What are you people smoking, where is wilt. Wilt should at least be in top 3 !!! Look at the stats and highlights.
JOOSED on September 01, 2020:
i hate lebron, dudes a choke artist. hes not clutch what so ever, he would rather pass the ball than take the final shot to win the game like MJ. MJ is the goat, not even a debate.
mj is da goat on September 01, 2020:
bruh mj is the most awsome legend of since the beginning of time and before
Name on August 18, 2020:
Wilt chamberlain
Mj the real goat on August 10, 2020:
Lol get the kids out of here lebrons an his 3 titles can pound sand
Jesse Unk (author) from Ohio on July 27, 2020:
The other players you mentioned all had great teams built around them or actually DID team hop though. Magic was drafted with multiple HOFers around him. Same with Bird. Mike was under an 8 year contract and never had an option to leave, so that reasoning is null, but also had a HOFer drafted in Scottie and they went after a high level rival in Rodman. Kareem team jumped, as did Shaq. Kobe was drafted with Shaq on his way and great team managing that brought talent around him his entire career. Duncan had a HOFer to help groom him and a HOF coach, not to mention Duncan, Manu, and eventually Kawhi all came to him. Who was even brought onto LeBron's teams that was a worthwhile teammate to help in a league that was fully of big 3s and power duos? Antawn Jamison? A washed up Shaq?
Robb on July 27, 2020:
I don’t put Lebron in the top 5 bc he doesn’t have the winning mentality that any of the other top 10 players did/do, in fact he couldn’t win without leaving and going through a super put any of the other top 10 players minds in Lebrons body (bc he’s the most physically gifted player ever) and they will have probably won every championship since they entered the league. Lebron is NOT an alpha dawg with a killer instinct like mike, Larry, or magic had
Paul Burt from san pedro on July 23, 2020:
The only individual involved with the NBA who is responsible for fundamental rules changes to the game is Wilt Chamberlain.
No other player, coach, front office person, officiating representative, or league official can make that claim.
Jordan was in Chicago for 5 full seasons before the Bulls made it out of the Eastern Conference, and that occurred only after the Bulls franchise made the necessary off season moves, that brought in Bill Cartwright, a legit pivot man.
Magic - without Kareem - played all 5 positions on the floor in the deciding Game 6 of the Finals against a HOF laden 76ers team in his rookie season. During that game won by the Lakers - IN PHILADELPHIA - Magic nearly single-handedly demolished Caldwell Jones, Bobby Jones, Dr. J, Darryl Dawkins, Maurice Cheeks, Doug Collins, and the rest of the 6ers.
All ya all - watch some film.....Wilt or Kareem at 27 years of age? Forgeddabowdit!
fred on July 23, 2020:
Michael JORDAN is the Best Ever.
Nick on July 22, 2020:
I appreciate much of your list and have just a few disagreements. Your take on LeBron as the best player ever, particularly from your article comparing he and Jordan, is bold because few are willing to legitimately look beyond the ring argument and look at the facts. Anyone who disagrees on this, please read the man's article, it's really tough to argue against LeBron at this point with all things considered, and I'm not a LeBron fan. LeBron had to face the dynasty Spurs or Warriors in seven of his nine Finals, he tallied a 2-5 record in those series. When Jordan faced a dynasty team in its prime such as the Pistons and Celtics, he failed to the tune of a 1-5 record in those series. LeBron is superior statistically and has had similar playoff success against mediocre to good teams with little success against historically great teams, same as Jordan. Kareem is an easy choice at #3. I think it's fair to put Shaq at #4, but I do think Magic has a slight edge over Bird (I personally value playmaking and assists over rebounding). I would be interested in your logic for putting Duncan over Russell and Wilt.
Jesse Unk (author) from Ohio on July 20, 2020:
Wait, how can Shaq be ranked higher if you agree with my top 3? He's #4?
Bill on July 20, 2020:
Yo shaq should be ranked higher and yes I think Lebron is better than MJ.
Your top 3 I agree with but it should have went magic fourth and Kobe 5th.
Isaiah on July 12, 2020:
Did you really just put lebron over Jordan
Paul Burt from san pedro on July 04, 2020:
Sorry pal, head-to-head, Duncan is destroyed in this match-up, much more physical game when Hayes played, and just look at the minutes played alone, Hayes is lighting it up while you're guy is on the pine. Very few PF's in the WORLD, can say they beat Kareem in his prime, and you HAVE to look at the talent pool, you just have to! When Duncan came into the league, there were 29 teams. When Hayes came in, but 14 and never more that 17 throughout his career. Any idea how many stiffs in today's NBA wouldn't make rosters in a 17 team league, much less in the mid to late 70's? Get real!
Put Duncan in a 14 team league, wherein hand checking is allowed and he's going against PRIME Elvin Hayes, Willis Reed, Kareem, Jerry Lucas, Wes Unseld, Maurice Lucas, Bill Walton, Dave Cowens, Bob McAdoo, Bob Lanier and you'll get VASTLY different data.
Jesse Unk (author) from Ohio on July 03, 2020:
While i appreciate your argument, a slight point advantage and rebound advantage dont make up for 13 less all defensive teams, 8 1st team all defense selections, and two MVPs. Much less 4 less rings, which are team accomplishments but a cherry on top. Duncan is one of the greatest defenders of all time which is his skillset. The scoring and rebounding were good also, but were second fiddle to his ability to lock down the court. There's a reason his 15 all defensive selections are a record.
Paul Burt from san pedro on July 03, 2020:
Hey Jess, trust you're well, just wanted to touch on a couple things real quick, and if I'm being redundant here, I apologize.
First however, you've frequently opined that the NBA "wasn't as athletic" when - just one point of reference here - Wilt was in his prime; I believe your opinion to be incorrect in this regard. Mine, based upon my experience during the last 55 years in observing NBA contests. Be that as it may, giving you the benefit of any doubt here, I on the other hand would contend that during that same "lesser athletic" period, the league was certainly more physical, a point I'm sure we could agree on(?) the hand check rule notwithstanding.
Anyway, to my current citations, not only is Tim Duncan NOT the greatest PF ever in the NBA he's not even the best PF that the state of Texas produced; that title - without rival - goes to one Elvin Hayes, one of the most underappreciated mega-talents today. Let's compare a couple of stat categories in JUST the regular season between the two greats from the Lone Star State.
Hayes played 16 NBA seasons, Duncan played 19 years.
During his 16 seasons, Hayes was eligible to participate in 1,312 regular season games - he missed 9 - NINE games his during his career.
Duncan on the other hand, was eligible to play in 1,558 contests during his 19 season career - Duncan missed 166 games knocking his regular season total to 1,392 games played.
Now it could be argued Duncan's lower total in this category was due to illness and or injury, and this is PRECISELY the point of what I've argued here and elsewhere relative to "The Era Card" being played on players of the past - There can be little question, the "modern era" athlete has been able to take advantage of FAR superior medical technology, enabling the extending of careers, not possible before the 1980's, much less the 70's or 60's.
In my opinion, this "Access to 21st century medical tech" - among others - MUST be factored when comparing players from different chronological periods.
Elvin Hayes career points total is 27,313 compared to Duncan's 26,496 total points/career.
Hayes' career PPG average is 21.0 compared to Duncan's 19.0....
Career Rebounds:Hayes - 16,279
Duncan - 15,091
Shall I go on? - Peace......
bruh this is riged on July 01, 2020:
you did not put kobe at 1st your not smart
Jesse Unk (author) from Ohio on July 01, 2020:
***** finish your sentences!!!
****** on June 30, 2020:
If you think Kobe is top 10
DisappointedOnThisListBro on June 15, 2020:
Wtf, this list is worst than ESPN list y'all tripping bro, The King in first? go study basketball bro MJ is the only and far the Greatest of All Time fix that list bro and Shaq in 4th place i know he's the most dominant player but not 4th place bro wtf and don't drop hate on me bro i ain't joking around
Jesse Unk (author) from Ohio on June 04, 2020:
Wilt is top 12 and curry isnt even close to top 10 yet. He chokes regularly and has done nothing without HOF support around him. A great player, but in no way is he top 10 all time.
FaZe Fam on June 04, 2020:
Yall tripping LeBron James is not the GOAT MJ is First of all lebron is only in the top 20 u did not even put curry or wilt in there!!!!!!!
Ayman on May 20, 2020:
I would put Magic over Shaq on May 20, 2020:
LeBron is the greatest just think guys Jordan comes with a different mindset. Jordan just wants to win and diominate just like Kobe. But LeBron comes with a mindset that he wants everyone to win and drop 20 plus points . Which is what makes people think Jordan is better but jst think if LeBron can be compared to Jordan with a different mindset just think if he came with the same mindset as Jordan he is for sure going to be the best of all time.
Heat on May 20, 2020:
Dwade needs to be on list
weirdcome on May 19, 2020:
I dont think lebron should be on this list.
Albert on May 15, 2020:
Okay, I can tell you're young, so I'll refrain from insulting you like everybody else on here. However, the best player to ever play basketball from somebody who's actually seen all the players on your list play AS they played was unequivocally Wilt Chamberlain, and he didn't even crack your Top 10. That's mind baffling!
Here's my all-time Top 20 list, just for added shits and giggles:#1 Wilt Chamberlain, #2 Michael Jordan, #3 Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, #4 Bill Russell, #5 Magic Johnson, #6 Larry Bird, #7 LeBron James, #8 Oscar Robertson, #9 Kobe Bryant, #10 Shaquille O'Neal, #11 Hakeem Olajuwon, #12 Tim Duncan, #13 Julius Erving, #14 Jerry West, #15 George Mikan.
Mickey on May 14, 2020:
Wow , what idiot came up with this list? Wilt . Period . No one comes close . We'll never see anything like him again.
When Jerry West was asked how wilt would do today he said flat out , Wilt would embarrass the players today.
I'll go one step beyond , His stats may even be better. With today's game and the great 3 point shooters there would be no way they could stop him. There would be no way 5 guys could sag back in the paint to try and stop him . He would have free range .
Wilt was the best . He was the Babe Ruth of Basketball.
Dan on May 13, 2020:
Wilt. Period...
JC on May 13, 2020:
MJ is the best ever , the impact he had in the game and NBA was huge .
Only King James is close to him.
It is difficult to make a list from 3 to 10 Shaq, Pippen, Duncan, Magic , Bird , Kobe ...
But for sure MJ is the goat and James the chosen one
The Real Goat on May 13, 2020:
Thank you, finally someone who says Lebron is the goat. I definitely agree.
The dream is stupid on May 11, 2020:
Were talking on the best players not the players with more rings, you get rings playin in team not by yourself retard
The dream on May 11, 2020:
Hey jesse I think this list is so wrong:(
because lebron has three times champion and 6 stupid
but MJ has 6 champion and 6 final MVP why not jordan?
Jesse Unk (author) from Ohio on May 08, 2020:
Paul Burt,
Very true, but they played different positions and Magic had Kareem to dish to for a lot of those points. I know Bird had a HOF lineup as well, but I consider them neck and neck and give Bird the edge.
Paul Burt from san pedro on May 07, 2020:
You both - Jesse &Josh - should know that during their NBA careers Magic and Bird faced each other 37 times; 18 during the regular season and 19 contests during the playoffs. During the regular season games, Bird averaged just under 22 PPG with Magic putting in 19.5 PPG. Bird maintains the RPG column with just under 11 RPG while Magic snatched but 7 RPG. However, Magic dominates the assist column with 11.5 APG to Bird's 6 APG. Of those regular season contests, Magic and the Lakers were victorious 11 times to Bird's Celtic's @ 7 wins.
Their playoff numbers increase. Bird @ 25.3 PPG and Magic @ a tick under 22 PPG. Bird's playoff RPG - 11 RPG to Magic's 7.5 RPG is negligible. However, Magic's assist numbers against Bird's Celtic's - 13.5 APG - during the playoffs is nearly three times that of Bird's 4.6 APG. The kicker? Of the 19 playoff games between the Celtics and the Lakers - with Bird and Magic in their respective lineups, the Lakers were 11 wins vs. 8 losses - I'll take the Magic man....
Jesse Unk (author) from Ohio on May 06, 2020:
Whats your list look like?
Josh on May 06, 2020:
I agree with you putting Bird above Magic, even though it really could go either way in my opinion. The rest of your list is a joke though.
Jesse Unk (author) from Ohio on April 29, 2020:
No doubt he has a soft spot in my heart, but even when he went to Miami and I hated him more than any sports figure I thought he was on his way. Jordan has a lot of flaws that people overlooked for years that are coming to light more and more on social media and even his own documentary. I have an entire article on why hes overrated, you should check out. And before you read into it, keep the open mind that when I say "overrated" I simply mean there is room for an argument. I believe MJ, LeBron, and Kareem all have viable arguments for the GOAT status. For me personally, it's just LeBron.
Mike McDonald on April 29, 2020:
Hey Jesse unk you look young and seems like you live in Ohio... does that sway your opinion on Lebron being the GOAT man has lost a lot in finals and Jordan won 6 straight how can you deny Jordan as the Goat
Ben on April 22, 2020:
Bill equals Goat
Jesse Unk (author) from Ohio on April 19, 2020:
Not a chance. He's not even a top 3 Laker, much less top 3 ever.
Najzherell Beecham on April 19, 2020:
Kobe Top 5
Kurt on April 13, 2020:
Stop.... Magic is ahead of bird. Shaq should never be that high. And MJ is the GOAT and it’s not even close...
Jesse Unk (author) from Ohio on February 07, 2020:
I'll await your facts to prove me wrong then since no one voting seems to agree with you.
Wilt the G.O.A.T. on February 06, 2020:
From what you say to Paul, you know that you don't know anything about basketball. I think you're that slow white guy.
Jesse Unk (author) from Ohio on February 05, 2020:
You are aware that public readers are the ones voting right? Pas moi. Clearly people don't agree with whatever it is you have an issue with. Cry about it I guess.
troll hater on February 03, 2020:
Admit it, you're just a troll.
idiot article and vote on February 03, 2020:
This stupid list doesn't even have the goddamn Wilt, LeBron has even more votes than MJ, and Bird has gotten 3rd place votes and others haven't even got votes. wtf?
Paul Burt from san pedro on January 04, 2020:
Google Wilt Chamberlain 1962 and or 1967 and hit the "Images" tab - There were a boatload of brothas.
On the other hand, and by the same token, the league's rosters today are dominated by guys who wouldn't have made the rosters on the teams of the very players you present, LeBron being an exception.
You do know the single game rebound record is 55, right? FIFTY FIVE - against a prime Bill Russell. Wilt took down everything in sight, demoralizing Russell, and no one will ever come near that record. Look at some film -
And wait a minute; athletic? You're talking about the man who triple jumped 45' 9" to finish 3rd at KU Relays in 57. Wilt put the shot over 55' and was undefeated in the shot put while at KU. Further, he was the Big 8 Conference high jump champ his junior year, which was the year before he left school to join the Trotters. He also ran a sub 45 second 440 yard dash and a sub 25 second 220 yard dash.
And further, I'd ask, in which decade that Wilt dominated was the league "far less athletic"? The 70's? He led the league in rebounding his final season - 72/73 - @ 19+ RPG he was 36 years old.
And BTW, Elvin Hayes would destroy any of the forwards on your list, Duncan in particular...You've got some reading to do Jesse. Peace
Jesse Unk (author) from Ohio on January 04, 2020:
Gotta agree to disagree. The league was far less athletic then. Same reason Russell isn't higher. He was athletically advanced and much bigger. Hard to give Wilt the GOAT status when no one else was near his size and it was a bunch of slow white guys.
Paul Burt from san pedro on January 04, 2020:
Wilt Chamberlain, who never fouled out of a game - high school, college, or professional - is the only individual associated with the NBA responsible for rules changes, period. No other player, administrator, coach, or league official can make that claim. In April of 1968 - don't give me that "modern era" crap - Wilt Chamberlain accomplished the only double-triple-double to date in pro basketball; 22 points, 25 rebounds, and 21 assists in single game. Wilt is also the only player in NBA history to record a quadruple double double (40-40) game - Having achieved the feat eight times in his career. In 1967, the Big Dipper scored 78 points and 43 rebounds in one game. The real GOAT is most remembered for his 100-point game in 1962, considered one of basketball’s greatest records. Decades later, the closest any player had come was the Lakers’ Kobe Bryant, who scored 81 points in 2006. Afterward he said that breaking the record was “unthinkable.”
Wilt also holds the record for most career double-doubles with 1,111. Plus, he was a nice, gentle guy who “never got mad.” In fact, he never fouled out of a game. He once said, “They say that nobody is perfect. Then they tell you that practice makes perfect. I wish they’d make up their minds.”
Less we forget, the NBA didn't even COUNT blocked shots in the box score, until after Wilt had retired. Wilt and all the guys on this list are 27 years of age today, with the same access to 21st Century training, nutrition, and medical? 1 on 1 against Wilt, Jordan and James wouldn't even get a shot off!
"I don't know that Wilt would dominate today's NBA as he did in the 50's, 60's, and 70's but I do know this. If he were 27 years of age in today's NBA he'd lead the league in scoring. He'd lead the league in rebounding. And he'd lead the league in blocked shots."
~ Jerry West ~